Al, Jim, Lynn Amstedam

Created by Graham 3 years ago

Feeling deeply saddened as I write, by the loss of Al, a lovely guy and a very dear friend.

I have memories of Al as far back as to when I was about 12 -13 years of age. I was in school with Aluns sister Janet. He had already began playing in a band then. When I started being a roadie for the band he was with - Midnight City- I was 17 and I can clearly remember Al owned a Triumph Spitfire sports car. Not sure if it was grey or if Wally had got it prepared to spray! Anyway the band were playing locally and Wally had promised me a ride in his sports car. I can remember driving through Risca with the hood down and both of us hair Blowing Free - remember the song? (we both had long hair then!)

One of the best and fondest memories happened some years later. Lyn the singer in Midnight City had gone to work in Amsterdam. I had gone out to visit him for a few weeks. Lyn was working an afternoon shift and I was in his apartment waiting to meet him after work, around 10pm, not late for Amsterdam, the city didn't wake up until 11pm. Sometime late afternoon the bell went on the front door and Walter Lyn's flat mate - the apartment was on the first floor- had gone down to answer the door. I could hear someone asking for Lyndon Filer and I thought I know that voice, so I went to the top of the landing and sure enough Wally was stood at the door!! My shock and delight at seeing Wally and then Wally saw me at the top of the stairs, we were so excited at seeing each other, we couldn't believe either of us were there.

That night needless to say, we both went to meet Lyn and the three of us had a fabulous night out in Amsterdam, consuming far too much Dutch Lager!! Strong stuff that Dutch lager.

Having managed to get back to Lyn's place we crashed out on the available chairs and sofa. In the later hours of the morning I woke up to a loud noise! looked around, really not knowing where I was and couldn't see Wally. Getting up and looking outside the lounge door I came upon Wally, flat against the wall on the landing, opposite the toilet, his trousers around his ankles!!! He had gone for a wee and had been stood in the toilet and was still that intoxicated he had fallen backwards and through the toilet door ending up on the floor. Wally didn't know where he was and was just happy that he had managed to have a wee before he crashed!! We have always had a good laugh about this exploit every time we recall it.  

We stayed crashed out until around 1pm that afternoon, Lyn had to go to work- ooh! and worse poor Wally had to catch his plane back to the UK, ooh ooh!! I am pretty sure Wally had been on a working trip for his company -DYMO? and had some time off before he caught his plane back. He had the most horrific hangover you could ever imagine!!!

We always enjoy a good laugh about this exploit every time we recall it. It was one of those so off the cuff events, that are just the best time ever.

Always had a great time with Al whenever we met up, he was just one of the best people you could ever wish to meet. He will be so sadly missed, a very dear friend.

My sincere condolences to Wendy and all the family.
